Focusing mainly on dental and orthopaedic application of biomedical materials, the Department of Biomaterials Laboratory was established in 2000. Despite its short history, the expertise of the Department in characterizing biomaterials and biological materials has being widely recognixed. More than 10 scientists originating from 6 countries have completed their doctorates or monographs in the Department, which maintains active participation in joint projects with leading EU centers in the field.
The facilities of the Department occupy 250 m2 and include: an FTIR spectrophotometer with an FTIR microscope; multifunctional SEM with ESEM imaging capacity and EDS X-ray microanalysis unit; a computerized X-ray microtomography system; various optical microscopes and video-microscopes; servohydraulic testing machine; microhardness tester; profilometer; colorimeter and photo-aging apparatus; specimen preparation machinery; and chemistry tools.
The Department has generated a ratio of over 5.1 publications per staff annually, receiving over 600 citations. The personnel of the Department is included in the reviewers’ lists of 9 journals and editorial board of 3 periodicals, has authored 12 chapters and edited 2 books published by international houses.