Nick Silikas is a Professor in Oral Biomaterials Sciences. He is the Director of Graduate Education for all taught and research degrees in Dentistry in Manchester.
He is also the Postgraduate Research Director of Medical Sciences overseeing over 450 PhD students in six major disciplines (Dentistry, Cardiovascular Sciences, Medical Education, Cancer Sciences, Developmental Biology and Diabetes).
He graduated in Chemistry in Manchester and then he completed his Master of Philosophy in Medicinal Chemistry in Pharmacy. Finally, he obtained his PhD in Dental Materials in Dentistry.
He has worked within the field of dental biomaterials since 1996. His research has generated more than 140 papers, which have received over 8000 citations and an h index of 52 (google scholar), g-index of 86 and i10 index of 101.
He has >250 presentations in international conferences and 85 abstracts since 2001 in IADR-related conferences. He has been extensively involved in the supervision of postgraduate students both at PGT and PGR level. He has successfully supervised >35 PGR students.
He has been elected as a Fellow of The Academy of Dental Materials, FADM, since 2004 awarded to international researchers with “a high level of achievement and demonstrated leadership in dental materials research”.
He has been elected as a member-at-large in the Academy of Dental Materials Board (2010-2014). He is currently the Transactions Editor for the Academy of Dental Materials (ADM) [2014-present].
He is Editor of “Dental Materials“ ranked No 4 in all dental Journals and the No 1 Journal for Dental Materials.
Also, he is the Associate Editor for Dental Materials for the “European Journal of Oral Sciences”.
Finally, he is acting as a guest editor for special issues for Materials mdpi.