
A number of studies examined the forces and moments developed during wire ligation with conventional and self-ligating brackets and force relaxation of polymeric elastics, employing custom-made configurations. These papers revealed that the direction of movement and number of teeth engaged in the arch, significantly affect the force applied to teeth with various wire-bracket combinations.   [...]

Orthodontically-induced enamel alterations

In orthodontics, bonding to enamel has been found to induce structural, color and compositional surface alterations on the host tissue. Microscopic, colorimetric and interfacial compositional studies have elucidated the phenomena associated with etching and bonding. A set of papers focused on the interfacial properties of the enamel-adhesive-bracket interface under different loading conditions, enamel preparations [...]

By |2017-11-13T11:20:47+03:00October 22nd, 2017|Categories: Χωρίς κατηγορία|Tags: , , |

Orthodontic Biomaterials Network

“working jointly”
The ORTHODONTIC BIOMATERIALS NETWORK was initiated by T. Eliades in 2002 as a research network of Universities and Research Centers
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